
Psychology and Computers

Psychology is no different. Technology affects or impacts almost every aspect of our lives today including psychology. In the same way that technology affects how people behave and think, and how they work, psychologists use technology to study, understand, and even treat mental illness. Technology also aids psychologists in their research, enabling them to gather and analyze data faster and more precisely than they otherwise. Technology is an integral component of psychological research and treatment. From using computers to perform fMRI imaging, to developing electronic tools for evaluating and tracking symptoms in patients with depression or anxiety.

Technology also impacts the relationship humans have with the digital systems that they interact with on a daily basis. A lot of the most well-known technology companies have large departments of psychologists that are experts in perception and cognition of humans. They conduct studies to see how users react to certain designs, and provide recommendations in line with their findings. In fact, most of the time you’re using a piece of technology, whether it’s your phone or Facebook, you’re benefiting from collaboration between computer science and psychology.

At Notre Dame, Sidney D’Mello is among the many researchers working at the crossroads points of computers and psychology. His research is focused on “affective computing,” which is the study of how computers can recognize and interpret emotions. For example, his team has developed a system that could allow a computer to predict when a user is about to get frustrated or anxious, so that it can intervene before it happens.

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