
Online Privacy Concerns and Transactions

The growth of online activities and e-commerce has resulted in an increase in the amount of data that is collected online. The information collected can be used in a variety of beneficial and unwelcome ways. As a result, consumers are increasingly concerned about their privacy. They have come up with a variety of security measures to guard their privacy online. They may withhold, obfuscate or create personal data or opt out of commercial transactions that require them and shift their focus to more privacy-friendly competitors.

Privacy concerns about online sites are an issue that impacts consumer behavior across a vast variety of settings and transactions. The article in question employs a probability sample to study the impact of privacy concerns on consumers’ willingness to share personal information online. It develops a research model which demonstrates that privacy concerns in online environments are tied to individual variables such as socio-demography, internet experience and trust, as well as with government regulations.

The results show that individuals who have high levels of privacy risk knowledge are more willing to share their information in online shopping, and also report participating in social media and posting on online forums. Furthermore, privacy issues on the internet are influenced by the perceived benefits of sharing their information and the reality of what they would have gained if they had not been part of sharing. The level of worry about privacy online is also correlated to the cultural background of a person.

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